Slowest animals in the world

Slowest animals in the world

Do you think that tortoise is the slowest animal in the world? Then you are wrong as many animals run or walk slowly on land. While some animals run at a fast pace, some others walk very slowly on land or any other kind of surface. This blog will help you to know the real information about the slowest animals in the world that move some feet every minute. We will get the facts of all the slowest-moving creatures in this blog.

List of slowest animals in the world

Look at the list of slowest animals in the world given below:

Garden Snail

Garden Snail

    The first slowest animal in the world on this list is a garden snail. It has one muscular organ that works very slowly on land. This organ helps to control the speed of garden snails on land or any other surface. The Guinness Book of World Records lists garden snails as one of the slowest-moving creatures on the land.

    The average speed of a garden snail is 0.03 miles every hour. It has also a small size which is another notable feature after its speed. According to Guinness World Records, the largest snail with a shell size of 9.8 inches was found in Congham, Norfolk.


    Star fish

      It is one of the slowest animals in the globe with a hard shell and tube feet. Because of these tube feet, the starfish can move on various kinds of surfaces. They move carefully and slowly on any kind of surface.

      As per a survey, the adult starfish can walk at a speed of 1 meter in one yard in one minute. It has 15,000 tube feet to move around the whole yard at a slow speed. The shell of a starfish is beautiful with different colors and designs that you will love to see again.



        Sloths exist in many parts of the United States of America. It hardly moves an inch and is known for its slow speed of moving on the tree. Experts say that sloths are very lazy mammals and require few leaves and twigs for food.

        The average walking speed of a sloth is 1 foot every minute. A survey says that these mammals move so slowly that algae start growing on their body during the movement. Some zoologists say that the structure of sloth is different from other mammals. Sloths have long arms and short shoulder blades to reach places without movement.



          A koala is a slow-walking creature found in many parts of Australia. This creature has limited adaptation to the ground due to which it moves very slowly. Koalas eat a low-calorie diet and can sleep for around 30 hours at a time because of their high energy level.

          Koalas feed on Eucalyptus leaves and live on trees. They are cute-looking creatures that move like apes. Koalas generally move through the various trees and walk like marsupials on the ground. Many experts in Biology study Koala’s activity every year to give a concrete conclusion.

          Giant tortoise

          Giant tortoise

            Giant tortoise is the slowest animal in the world in the world with many subspecies. Charles Darwin studied the movement of tortoise in 1835 and found its speed. A fact is these creatures can live for 150 years and above on the planet. A giant tortoise can move 60 yards in about 10 minutes and just 360 yards in 60 minutes or an hour.

            Another expert said that the turtles can walk a distance of 2 km in one hour. Giant tortoises can weigh around 919 pounds and have heavy shells on their body. It moves around the feeding spots during the day and night and rest for other times of the day.

            Gila monster

            Gila monster

              A Gila monster is a kind of lizard that walks very slowly. It can hardly reach 22 inches in length. A notable feature of the Gila monster is black and pink colored scales on the body. Some studies say that these animals spend most days resting underground and gathering fat reserves.

              These animals come in touch with their predators when they go hunting. They can move 1.5 miles in an hour. Although this creature moves slowly, it still has poisonous saliva. A bite by this creature is enough to inject dangerous toxins into any mammal or person.

              American woodcock

              American woodcock

                American woodcock can travel around 46 km in one hour. It is faster than other slow-moving creatures on the planet. While some other birds can fly at a good speed, this bird is well-known for its slow flying speed. These birds have tiny bodies and spend most of their days on the land in dense forests.
                These birds have the lowest flight speed in the birds. Male birds can fly around 5 miles in one hour. They have brown and grey plumage to give camouflage.

                Banana Slug

                Banana Slug

                  The banana slug is one of the slowest-moving creatures on the planet. It can walk about 6.5 inches in 2 hours or 120 minutes. These creatures move by propelling themselves with the help of their single muscular foot.

                  This animal has a slippery substance in the foot that helps to lubricate the path when it crawls. It also has a mucus plug at the end of its tail by which it generates a bungee cord of slime to jump down from high places.

                  Slow Loris

                  Slow Loris

                    A slow Loris catches its prey by putting its body forward with the help of both hands. It is one of the most venomous creatures on the planet and contains toxins in the mouth. Normally, these creatures can walk up to 1.1 miles or 1.9 km in one hour.

                    Final words

                    This is the list of the slowest animal in the world that you must know. These facts are provided by the experts in biology after studying the walking speed and movement of these creatures. These animals are well-known for their slow speed and many other notable features.

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